Review of experimental and analytical techniques to determine H, C, N, and S solubility and metal–silicate partitioning during planetary differentiation
Dernières publications

Dalou, C.; Suer, T.A.; Tissandier, L.; Ofierska, W.L.; Girani, A.; Sossi, P.A. Progress in Earth and Planetary Science, 2024, 11:27

Isotopic evolution of the inner solar system revealed by size-dependent oxygen isotopic variations in chondrules
Dernières publications

Marrocchi, Y.; Longeau, A.; Lozano Goupil, R.; Dijon, V.; Pinto, G.; Neukampf, J.; Villeneuve, J.; Jacquet, E. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2024, 371, 52-64

Partitioning of nickel and cobalt between metal and silicate melts: expanding the oxy-barometer to reducing conditions
Dernières publications

Cartier, C.; Llado, L.; Pirotte, H.; Tissandier, L.; Namur, O.; Collinet, M.; Wang, S.J.; Charlier, B. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2023

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Cosmochimie et Planétologie


Cycles, Atmosphère, Climats

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Tectonique, Érosion et Évolution du Relief

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Sondes Ioniques


Service d’Analyse des Roches
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Spectrométrie Gaz Rares

Isotopes Radiogéniques & Stables - Spectrométrie de Masse

Spectrométrie Isotopes Stables

Cosmochimie et Magmatologie Experimentales

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